cby philosophy …


I come onto my mat not for the pose, but rather for the practice of embracing all 8 limbs:  Yama (ethics), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana (poses), Pranayama (breath), Pratyahara (awareness), Dharana (focus), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (bliss).  These 8 limbs have become a theme in my life.  Samadhi is loosely interpreted to mean the union of self. It is easy to get lost in the labels, judgments and projections of what your life should be. In the process, you lose what your life is to you.  I focus my mind, body and soul on the practice of the yamas and niyamas. The physical practice takes all forms in my life but has only one goal - to shed the outside world and come back to the purity within me.  This is my focus in creating a yoga practice space. 


cby background …

I brought yoga into my life as a means to reset after a long day of work.  As I progressed in the field of Social Work, my work days and weeks grew longer and more relentless. I realized that my busy schedule was lacking in self care. Spending time on my mat brought my attention back to my self.  By focussing on my breathing and movements, I was able to reconnect with my inner self.  

The physical practice came later.  As a runner, my main physical practice was running at sunrise; pranayama practice built my endurance.  As someone who had trained as an athlete from age 11, I always knew that this time of continuous bodily pounding would come to an end. But I never knew what would come next.  What I did know was that I liked being outside … it has always brought a calmness to my life. To this day, I balance my work life by exploring the outdoors: yoga, backpacking, hiking, ice and rock climbing, sculling, SUP, etc.!


cby expertise …

  • Moksha Yoga, Chicago, Illinois (including guided sutra study with Darien Friesen)

  • Street Yoga, San Diego, California (yoga teacher training)

  • Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Stockbridge, Massachusetts (200 hour Chakra Power Training; body movement and trauma training under Bed Van Der Kolk; Yoga Instruction with Nicole Burrill and Tim Kelleher)

  • American Red Cross (Trauma Brain Injury Yoga Certification, SPA Yoga, and Mind Body Awareness practice for veterans)

  • Sacred Seed Yoga (Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Jacqui Bonwell)

  • All of this yoga training and certification is combined with over 20 years of clinical social work skills.